Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Panic Attacks: An Internal War

Panic Attacks: An Internal War

Panic attacks can be devastating and if you have never had one you probably won’t understand – but if you have you know exactly what I mean. For me the attacks came on very suddenly – as if out of nowhere I would suddenly have an intense feeling of doom or disaster.

I never knew when this was going to happen – that was the really scary part…I think if I could have been prepared for the attacks it wouldn’t have been so bad. Then I could’ve made certain provisions for it – LIKE HIDING IN BED UNDER A BALNKET – until it was over!

Okay, if you’ve had a panic attack you can relate to that and if you haven’t, well you may never understand what it’s really like to be out shopping and suddenly – for no apparent reason you feel an intense fear. You scout around your surroundings and cannot find any validation for this feeling but you cannot pretend it’s not there.

As the tension mounts you feel your throat start to close and breathing becomes difficult. You can feel your heart racing. You know you need to get out of there – NOW – but you also know you’re being ridiculous, but guess what, your fear wins out – who cares if your fears are unfounded – you know what you feel!

So you hurriedly leave the store with your companion wondering what the hell is going on. Your only thought is to get out – get out to safety. And within minutes the worst of the feelings are gone and you begin to slowly feel better.

What just happened????

Well to begin with, you experienced a feeling of fear or anxiety (side note here: panic attacks are thought to be caused by excessive anxiety). Your body responded like it’s supposed to.

Remember the “Fight or Flight Response”? That’s what’s happening to your body during an attack. You sense fear, your brain sends a message to the nervous system. The sub-category of the nervous system – sympathetic nervous system goes to work speeding up your heart rate, which is getting blood to all areas of your body, and compensating in all ways possible.

The other category of the nervous system is the parasympathetic nervous system. This system will work to calm things down again and although it may not happen immediately it will happen. You won’t die from a panic attack.

So there really is an internal war going on inside your body during this attack. But there is hope – in case you missed it – I don’t get panic attacks anymore. The last one I had was about 3 – 4 years ago. Take action to end your panic attacks now…click on one of the links in this blog to find out more.

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