Thursday, May 1, 2008

Stress: How Can You Escape From It?

Stress is something we all think of in a negative way – but in reality, a little stress can be good for us. That’s wonderful because it really is not possible to completely escape from all stress.

You may be wondering how stress can possibly be good for us – after all – stress seems to make us feel frustrated and, well, stressed out. But if we didn’t have at a little stress in our lives we would not worry about deadlines, whether that is work related, or a doctor’s appointment. Bills would not get paid.

A little stress can help us maintain control over our surroundings and that is a good thing. As I said, we cannot escape from stress completely – it doesn’t matter how much money you have or where you live – stressors are everywhere.

They can be as simple as a traffic jam or as complex as the death of a loved one. But why does one person perceive something as a stressor and the next does not? Do they have a secret of some sort? Is it their outlook on life? Are they more optimistic than the people that get stressed over the smaller things?

Studies tell us we will feel stress when the demands of a situation seem to be greater than our biological, psychological, or social systems. I think that’s a long way of saying we will feel stress when we feel the situation is out of our control.

This may be when we are asked to speak in public, or going on a first date, or even meeting new people. Surely you’ve heard the saying, ‘Where the mind goes the body follows’, and I cannot think of a time that this applies more.

If you perceive a situation as stressful then it will be. There is not any question that particular things in life are stressful to us. That includes things like moving, starting a new job, a new addition to the family, the death of a loved one, getting fired from a job…..etc.

Can you see that some of the things on that list are actually positive events that one may expect to completely enjoy – but there is still a stress value included. So what can we do about stress – obviously we cannot avoid it.

Here are a few things that may help:

· Yoga

· Meditation

· Tai Chi

· Conscious Breathing

· Dancing

Some people find that an occasional vacation or a massage helps to reduce the stress in their lives. The only problem with this is that it is usually a short-term solution. On a daily basis try to add something to your life that you enjoy – even if it’s as simple as having some pretty flowers or an art piece to enjoy.

Do fun things whenever you can. Practice walking, working, and eating at a relaxed pace. Take breaks after meals to just relax for a few minutes. Get some fresh air everyday – if only for a few minutes – go outdoors and find something in nature that you can admire.

Dress comfortably. Remove your shoes when you can – the idea is to make you feel comfortable inside and out. If you notice yourself tensing up be sure to practice controlled breathing.

When you are overcome with stress it is important that you do not hold your feelings in. If possible share your feelings with at least one other person. If not, try journaling. Believe it or not this can be an effective coping mechanism.

Since we cannot hide from stress we must face it. Find ways to deal with stress that work for you. You may need to try a few options before settling on what works best but don’t let stress control you and your life.

For more information related to stress click on any of the links in this blog.

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